गुगल अर्थ च्या साहाय्याने प्रथम आम्ही एखादे विशिष्ठ शहर आणि त्या शहरातील झोपडपट्टीच्या सीमारेषा ठरवतो. प्रशासकीय आणि निवडणूक प्रभागाच्या विभागवार विभागणीनुसार शहरे आणि झोपडपट्ट्यांचा माहितीसह डिजिटाइज्ड नकाशे आपल्याला पाहता येतात. एखाद्या झोपडपट्टीचा विकास आराखडा मांडताना तेथील पायाभूत सेवा व सुविधा यांची तपशीलवार स्थिती जाणून घेण्यासाठी देखील या सविस्तर अहवालाचा उपयोग होतो.
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सामाजिक गृहनिर्माण
झोपडपट्टी ते स्वतःचे हक्काचे घर या प्रक्रियेत, झोपडपट्टी समुदायांना सामावून केवळ परवडणारी व सुरक्षित घरेच नव्हे तर त्याबरोबर जमिनीचा हक्क मिळवून देण्यास सर्वतोपरी मदत करणारी किंवा केवळ परवडणारी घरेच नव्हे तर जमीनीचा हक्क आणि सुरक्षित घरे मिळवून देताना झोपडपट्टी समुदायांना संपूर्ण प्रक्रियेत सामावून घेऊन सर्व सोयीयुक्त घर देऊन त्यांचा झोपडपट्टी ते स्वतःचे घर हा प्रवास पूर्ण करण्यास मदत करणे .Know More
आम्ही १९९० च्या उत्तरार्धात वस्त्यांचे दारिद्र्य सर्वेक्षण करण्यासाठी भौगोलिक माहिती प्रणाली ( GIS ) तंत्रज्ञान विकसित करून शहरी झोपडपट्ट्यांमध्ये आवश्यक सेवाबद्दल स्थानिक माहिती गोळा करण्यासाठी त्याचा वापर केला आहे. Know More
OUR Story
A passion to transform the lives of the urban poor drove architect Pratima Joshi and her two friends to lay the foundation of Shelter Associates (SA) 3 decades back. Using the objective strength of data and sensitivity lent by deep community engagement, SA creates a level playing field where multiple stakeholders can easily collaborate to achieve a shared vision of equitable access to essential services. This changes the power dynamic and the communities becomes equal partners in this continuously evolving story of urban development.
Building communities through Mobilization
The urban slum communities are our partners in this journey of ensuring equitable distribution of rights and essential services to all. We engage with them through a host of educational and empowering developmental activities. Different types of formal and informal activities are conducted that are impacting individuals of all age groups and genders. Also, innovative IEC Materials are developed to further involve the communities in a fun and engaging way..

Slum Houses Surveyed
Home Toilets Facilitated
Individuals Rehabilitated Through Housing
Digital Locational Addresses
Individuals Impacted - Directly & Indirectly
We contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
नजीकच्या काळातील घडामोडी
“Due to my old age, my granddaughter would assist me to the community toilet. I worried for her safety. I am extremely grateful to Shelter Associates who came as a blessing and solved my biggest problem by giving us a toilet at our home.”
“Pratima Joshi and Shelter Associates have been one of our amazing NGO partners who have educated us on the social sector space and the importance of data and technology to create social impact. Pratima Joshi is a super inspiring woman and Founder.”
“The One Home One Toilet model is robust and can be scaled easily to other urban areas within the country. With SA’s and Pune Municipal Corporation’s partnership, we are confident of achieving the targets under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.”
Our Partners
Shelter Associates
SA was founded by architects in 1994 with a passion to ensure equitable access to essential services for the urban poor. SA follows a data-driven, multistakeholder approach to designing and implementing community-centric solutions around sanitation and social housing issues. Know More
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+91 8087607545
'Kanha', Plot. no. 340, lane no. 18, Mahatma Society, Kothrud, Pune - 411038